About us/Sponsors

About us

The ‘European Route of Demo­­cracy’ is an initi­­at­­ive of commit­­ted Europeans who have come together in the Via Demo­­cra­­tia Europa e. V. asso­­ci­­ation. The aim was and is to make a contri­­bu­­tion to the promo­­tion of cross-border cultural exchange and interest in politics with the VIA DEMO­­CRA­­TIA EUROPA travel route guide. However, the VIA DEMO­­CRA­­TIA EUROPA is also intended to reflect the histor­­ic­­ally special European polit­­ical role of its regions and thus also arouse tourist interest in trav­­el­­ling along this special route.

Founded in 2020, Via Demo­­cra­­tia Europa e. V. is a non-profit organ­­isa­­tion that relies on finan­­cial support in the form of project part­­ner­­ships. A volun­­tary commit­­ment by the asso­­ci­­ation stip­­u­­lates that at least 85% of spon­­sor­­ship money, grants and other income must be used to publish the travel route guide in several languages, promote Via Demo­­cra­­tia Europa and cross-border activ­­it­­ies. VIA DEMO­­CRA­­TIA EUROPA and the logo are registered European Union trade marks of the organ­­isa­­tion

The board of Via Demo­­cra­­tia Europa e. V. consists of:

  • Gerhard Laux, Chairman
  • Dieter Quack, Deputy Chairman
  • Joachim Kiefaber, Secret­­ary
  • Herbert Temmes, Treas­­urer
  • Hajo Hoffmann, Assessor - deceased on 31 July 2024
  • Maria Elisa­­beth Berner, Assessor

Other founding members are:

  • Jo Leinen
  • Toni Poesch
  • Ernst Hirsch­­häuser

As part of our part­­ner­­ship with the Centre européen Robert Schuman, F57160 Scy-Chazelles (www.centre-robert-schuman.org), we are suppor­­ted by:

  • Richard Stock, Director General

We would like to thank our support­­ers and sponsors


Via Democratia Europa e. V.
Gerhard Laux
Neffstraße 3
66123 Saarbrücken, Germany

Phone: +49 152 54368225

Bank details:
Sparkasse Saarbrücken
IBAN: DE36 5905 0101 0067 1470 41