
Legal and Liab­­il­­ity disclaimer

Mandat­­ory legal data pursuant to § 55 RStV / § 5 TMG / § 2 DL-Info-V:

Via Demo­cra­tia Europa e. V.

Neff­­straße 3
66123 Saar­­brücken

Tel.: +49 152 54368225


Asso­­ci­­ation number VR 5696 at the district court Saar­­brücken
Board members: Gerhard Laux, Klaus Helf

The respons­­ib­­il­­ity in the sense of Medien­­di­­en­­st­­est­­aats­­ver­­trags (Media Service Treaty) / TMG § 5 lies with:  Gerhard Laux

Design / devel­­op­­ment / program­­ming

Agentur Prim­­a­­me­­dia
Reppers­­bergstraße 32

66119 Saar­­brücken, Germany
Tel.: +49 681 59590280


Liab­­il­­ity disclaimer

Liab­­il­­ity for contents

The contents of this website have been compiled with the greatest of care. Never­­the­­less, we cannot assume any liab­­il­­ity for the accuracy, complete­­ness or topic­­al­­ity of the contents. Pursuant to Section 7 (1) German Tele­­media Act [“TMG”], we are respons­­ible in accord­­ance with the general stat­­utory regu­­la­­tions in our capacity as service provider for our own contents provided on this website.  Pursuant to Sections 8 to 10 TMG, in our capacity as service provider, however, we are neither obliged to monitor any external inform­­a­­tion which has been trans­­mit­­ted to us or stored on our website nor to check for any circum­­stances which could indicate an illegal activity. The fore­­go­­ing does not affect our oblig­­a­­tion to remove or block the use of inform­­a­­tion in accord­­ance with the general stat­­utory regu­­la­­tions. However, we can be liable in that respect only as from the time at which we became aware of an explicit legal infringe­­ment. We under­­take to remove the relevant contents as soon as any such legal infringe­­ments come to our notice.

Liab­­il­­ity for links

Our website contains links to external websites operated by third parties. We have no control over the contents of these websites and consequently cannot assume any liab­­il­­ity for these third-party contents. The provider or operator of the website concerned is always respons­­ible for the contents of such linked websites. The linked websites were checked for poten­­tial breaches of the law at the time of linking and no illegal contents were apparent at that time. However, we cannot reas­­on­­ably be expected to monitor the contents of the linked websites perman­­ently unless there are explicit grounds for assuming a breach of law. We under­­take to remove such links as soon as any such legal infringe­­ments come to our notice.


All contents and works on this website produced by the website oper­­at­­ors are protec­­ted under German copy­­right law. The repro­­duc­­tion, editing, dissem­­in­­a­­tion and/or any use of the contents and works which goes beyond the scope of copy­­right legis­­la­­tion requires the written consent of the author or producer concerned. Down­­loads and copies of this website are permiss­­ible only for private, non-commer­­cial use. The operator respects the copy­­right of third parties with regard to any contents on this website which were not produced by the operator itself. In partic­­u­­lar, all contents produced by third parties are indic­­ated as such. You are kindly reques­­ted to notify us if you should never­­the­­less notice any infringe­­ment of copy­­right. We under­­take to remove such contents as soon as any such legal infringe­­ments come to our notice.


As a rule, our website can be used without the disclos­­ure of personal data. Where any parts of our website require the input of personal data (such as name, address or e-mail address), the user provides such data, as far as possible, of his own accord. The data will not be divulged to third parties without the user’s explicit consent. Please note that the trans­­mis­­sion of data on the internet (e.g. when commu­­nic­­at­­ing by e-mail) may consti­­tute a security risk. It is not possible to guar­­an­­tee that the data are completely protec­­ted against access by third parties. This website provides contact data as part of our oblig­­a­­tion to disclose the legally respons­­ible parties. We expli­­citly object to the use of such contact data by third parties to send us advert­­ising or inform­­a­­tion material which we have not expli­­citly reques­­ted. The website oper­­at­­ors expli­­citly reserve the right to take legal action in case of any unso­­li­­cited submis­­sion of advert­­ising mater­­i­­als or inform­­a­­tion, for instance in the form of spam mails.


Via Democratia Europa e. V.
Gerhard Laux
Neffstraße 3
D-66123 Saarbrücken

Tel.: +49 152 54368225

Banking details:
Sparkasse Saarbrücken
IBAN: DE36 5905 0101 0067 1470 41