Legal notice

Imprint / Disclaimer

Inform­­a­­tion required by law accord­­ing to § 55 RStV / § 5 TMG / § 2 DL-Info-V:

Via Demo­cra­tia Europa e. V.

Neff­­straße 3
66123 Saar­­brücken

Phone: +49 152 54368225


Asso­­ci­­ation number VR 5696 at Saar­­brücken Local Court
Board members: Gerhard Laux, Dieter Quack

Respons­­ible accord­­ing to § 55 Abs. 2 RSt:  Gerhard Laux

Concept / Devel­­op­­ment / Program­­ming

Prim­­a­­me­­dia Agency
Reppers­­bergstraße 32

66119 Saar­­brücken, Germany
Phone: +49 681 59590280



Liab­­il­­ity for contents

The content of our website has been compiled with the utmost care. However, we cannot accept any liab­­il­­ity for the accuracy, complete­­ness and topic­­al­­ity of the content. As a service provider, we are respons­­ible for our own content on these pages in accord­­ance with Section 7 (1) TMG (German Tele­­media Act) and general legis­­la­­tion. Accord­­ing to § 8 to 10 TMG, however, we as a service provider are not obliged to monitor trans­­mit­­ted or stored third-party inform­­a­­tion or to invest­­ig­­ate circum­­stances that indicate illegal activity. Oblig­­a­­tions to remove or block the use of inform­­a­­tion in accord­­ance with general legis­­la­­tion remain unaf­­fected by this. However, liab­­il­­ity in this respect is only possible from the time of know­­ledge of a specific infringe­­ment. As soon as we become aware of such infringe­­ments, we will remove this content imme­­di­­ately.

Liab­­il­­ity for links

Our website contains links to external third-party websites over whose content we have no influ­­ence. There­­fore, we cannot accept any liab­­il­­ity for this third-party content. The respect­­ive provider or operator of the pages is always respons­­ible for the content of the linked pages. The linked pages were checked for possible legal viol­­a­­tions at the time of linking. However, perman­­ent monit­­or­­ing of the content of the linked pages is not reas­­on­­able without concrete evidence of an infringe­­ment. If we become aware of any legal infringe­­ments, we will remove such links imme­­di­­ately.


The content and works created by the site oper­­at­­ors on these pages are subject to German copy­­right law. Duplic­­a­­tion, processing, distri­­bu­­tion and any kind of util­­isa­­tion outside the limits of copy­­right law require the written consent of the respect­­ive author or creator. Down­­loads and copies of this site are only permit­­ted for private, non-commer­­cial use. Insofar as the content on this site was not created by the operator, the copy­­rights of third parties are respec­­ted. In partic­­u­­lar, third-party content is labelled as such. Should you never­­the­­less become aware of a copy­­right infringe­­ment, please inform us accord­­ingly. If we become aware of any infringe­­ments, we will remove such content imme­­di­­ately.

Data protec­­tion

The use of our website is gener­­ally possible without provid­­ing personal data. Insofar as personal data (e.g. name, address or e-mail addresses) is collec­­ted on our website, this is always done on a volun­­tary basis as far as possible. This data will not be passed on to third parties without your express consent and we would like to point out that data trans­­mis­­sion over the Internet (e.g. when commu­­nic­­at­­ing by e-mail) can have security gaps. Complete protec­­tion of data against access by third parties is not possible. We hereby expressly prohibit the use of contact data published within the scope of the imprint oblig­­a­­tion by third parties for sending unso­­li­­cited advert­­ising and inform­­a­­tion material. The oper­­at­­ors of this website expressly reserve the right to take legal action in the event of the unso­­li­­cited sending of advert­­ising inform­­a­­tion, such as spam e-mails.


Via Democratia Europa e. V.
Gerhard Laux
Neffstraße 3
66123 Saarbrücken, Germany

Phone: +49 152 54368225

Bank details:
Sparkasse Saarbrücken
IBAN: DE36 5905 0101 0067 1470 41