The new ‘European Route 66’
- European Route of Demo­­cracy -

The new ‘European Route 66’<br />
- European Route of Demo­­cracy -

The new ‘European Route 66’
- European Route of Demo­­cracy -

At a time of increased global rivalry between the major powers and growing auto­­cratic struc­­tures, a united and demo­­cratic Europe is facing partic­­u­­lar chal­­lenges.  The 10 founding members of the non-profit organ­­isa­­tion Via Demo­­cra­­tia Europa e.V. have there­­fore set them­­selves the goal of making the idea of a demo­­cratic Europe tangible and keeping it alive along the borders of the five founding states of the European Union - France, Germany, Luxem­­bourg, the Neth­­er­­lands and Belgium - by means of the ‘Via DEMO­­CRA­­TIA EUROPA - European Route of Demo­­cracy’.

To kick off this initi­­at­­ive by commit­­ted Europeans, a travel route guide financed by sponsors was published - in German and French in March 2023 and in English in November 2024 - connect­­ing the European cities of Stras­­bourg, Saar­­brücken, Metz, Luxem­­bourg, Trier, Aachen, Maastricht and Brussels along the barely visible national borders. The axis between the European cities of Stras­­bourg (parlia­­ment), Luxem­­bourg (juris­­dic­­tion) and Brussels (Commis­­sion as exec­­ut­­ive) is a strong symbol of the separ­­a­­tion of powers in demo­­cratic Europe. A deeper under­­stand­­ing of European history and the mental­­it­­ies of its inhab­­it­­ants should facil­­it­­ate further cross-border activ­­it­­ies of the asso­­ci­­ation along the European Route, such as the affixing of a Route plaque at prom­­in­­ent loca­­tions along the European Route, inter­­re­­gional campaigns and measures to publi­­cise the European Route world­­wide. The aim of the asso­­ci­­ation is to famil­­i­­ar­­ise citizens with Europe, its advant­­ages and its demo­­cratic values and to work together to strengthen our contin­­ent in the global compet­­i­­tion between systems.

VIA DEMO­­CRA­­TIA EUROPA - European Route of Demo­­cracy: Travel guide

VIA DEMO­­CRA­­TIA EUROPA - European Route of Demo­­cracy: Travel guide

New public­­a­­tion travel route guide March 2023 (also as e-book)
320 pages, 12.7 x 21 cm, paper­­back, 24.95 euros,
                                   ISBN 978-3-86712-176-7
French edition: ISBN 978-3-86712-180-4
     English edition: ISBN 978-3-86712-201-6 (Nov/2024)


Via Demo­­cra­­tia Europa e. V.

Route plaque of the European route 

Advert­­ising and public rela­­tions: 

Muni­­cip­­al­­it­­ies, insti­­tu­­tions, organ­­isa­­tions, asso­­ci­­ations, hotels, restaur­­ants and pubs, petrol stations, shops, public facil­­it­­ies etc. along the European Route of Demo­­cracy can use the route plaque (‘The European Route of Demo­­cracy runs here’) and the route emblem (‘Located on the European Route of Demo­­cracy’) free of charge for market­­ing purposes by arrange­­ment.

 route plaque

    route emblem

Route plaque next to the plaques of the EU member states in Metz - Scy-Chazelles/Schuman Museum

Village square in Ittersdorf

See also website dates/photos


Via Democratia Europa e. V.
Gerhard Laux
Neffstraße 3
66123 Saarbrücken, Germany

Phone: +49 152 54368225

Bank details:
Sparkasse Saarbrücken
IBAN: DE36 5905 0101 0067 1470 41